Friday 25 November 2016

Suggest and explain at least TWO ways in which your client can test the appropriateness of their new products through audience feedback


A good way in which your client can find the right audience for a product is questionnaires, questionnaires if had a good amount filled in can give a great insight into the fine details of your target audience and if the product works for them. All though the client should already know their target audience it is another good way to find that. In a questionnaire the client would want to ask questions as if they where finding their target audience so they can see if that person they asked fits into their audience group and if so then their opinion on the product would be valued more than someone who isn't in their target audience. Some of these questions could include age, gender, martial status, income, town they live in etc. Then they would want to ask questions that are linked to the new product, these could be if we where to release this would you buy it, what do you like about it, what would you improve, if you wouldn't buy it why etc. These would allow the client to see if their audience would buy it and if they wouldn't how they could improve it to make it better.

Focus Group:

Focus groups are another good form of research into a product because this method allows the client to get a lot more detail on what people like and what they don't. A focus group is a group of people randomly brought in to a room and given a product or a service and they give their opinions on it. An advantage for the client is that they can record what has been said and can take it back with them and review it whenever they like, as well as getting more detail about their product. A disadvantage is that they would pick the people out at random who participate in these focus groups, so the people may not fall into their target audience and whatever they say good be irrelevant because they are trying to target their product at their target audience. 

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