Tuesday 17 January 2017

Task 2

Passive or Active Consumption:

Passive and active consumption is the way in which the viewer takes in the information and how they would react to it. A passive audience would be someone who would watch a program and do nothing with it, they could enjoy it, dislike it but wouldn't react to it in anyway. An active audience is someone who would watch a program and then react to it, they could either tell their friends, tweet about it online. Any way in which they talk about it or debate the program they would be an active audience.
An example of this theory would be two people watching a program, for instance Eastenders. The passive audience member would watch the program and not react, they may enjoy or not enjoy the program but they wouldn't react in anyway. Where as the active audience member would watch the program and then they would react to what they saw. For example, if a character in Eastenders was to kill someone, the audience member may discuss the murder on social media with other active audience members. Another example would be a character from Eastenders said something and the active audience member would disagree and give their own opinion on the matter to someone else.

Hypodermic Needle Model:

Hypodermic Needle Theory is the theory that the media has great power of the world and can form peoples opinions in quick succession. It suggests that the media has a huge impact on everybody's lives and can brainwash people in to believing anything that is being broadcasted. The theory is based off of a needle being injected into peoples bloodstreams, forming their views quickly. among the listeners.
The theory came about in 1938 when millions of people sat down to listen to the radio. When a broadcast of the famous novel "War of the Worlds" was being played and it announced that aliens had landed and was attacking New Jersey. People where quick to believe what was being said and mass panic spread among the listeners. Causing thousands of calls to the emergency services, people stocking up on supplies from local supermarkets and many people leaving their town and cities.

Uses and Gratification Theory:

Uses and Gratification Theory is the theory of what people do with media and not what media does for people. It focuses on what people do with media, how they use it, when they use it, and why they use it. Some reasons why someone might use media would be entertainment, relaxing, or socializing. The theory explores how each individual seeks out their chosen medium, it also explores more into detail the type of person they are when using social media for those specific reasons.
An example of this theory would be someone would watch a romantic film to have the feeling of love and compassion towards someone else. Where as someone who is watching the television program Breaking Bad could be because they hear lots of other people talking about it and want to feel involved with the social side.

Reception Theory:

Reception theory is an active theory of how the people watching the said media are receiving it, and how they react to the said media. The theory suggests that everyone receives media in different ways meaning they would also react in different ways. People fall under three categories in the reception theory, these are dominant, negotiated and oppositional. A dominant audience is the producers preferred audience, they are the audience type that would agree with the media. A negotiated audience would also agree with what has been said by the media, but they would stress their own views about it. Lastly, a oppositional audience would ignore the media and make their own opinion up on the matter.
An excellent example of reception theory being used is in a political speech, many people agree, disagree within politics so reception theory comes up a lot. For example, if the prime minister was to give a speech about cutting finances within the NHS, the dominant audience would agree with what has been said. The negotiated party would be in between, they would neither agree or disagree. The negotiated audience are more likely to be passive and not form an opinion and just watch. Compared to the oppositional audience who would disagree and give their opinion about what the prime minister has said.

Bowling for Columbine:

From watching the documentary Bowling for Columbine, which is a documentary exploring the american gun laws after the Columbine school shooting that led to the death of 12 students and one teacher. Michael Moore the documenter  created the documentary about the Columbine school shooting but was more targeting of the reason why it had happened and the gun laws in america. From watching the documentary it is clear the Michael Moore's preferred readership is the dominant audience. This can be proven by his condescending and sarcastic narration about the gun laws, and would expect the audience to share the same opinion as him. Bowling for Columbine claims that the media had a huge impact on the Columbine shooting and it wasn't the violet video games, violent music, and dark movies.

The dominant readership to this movie which is Michael Moore's preferred readership would be agreeing with Michael Moore's statements about how he believes that the american media had more of an impact on the Columbine Shooting than anything else. In a clip from the documentary he listed the amount of shootings in that year in other countries. "Germany had 381 deaths by guns, France had 255 deaths by guns, Canada had 165 death by guns, United Kingdom 68 death by guns, Australia 65 deaths by guns, Japan 39 deaths by guns, and last of all America 11,127 death by guns". These stats show that other countries have deaths by guns however it is America that have over 10,000 more deaths a year by guns. The dominant readership would be agreeing with Michael Moore about how the media has a greater impact on gun crime and shootings over video games etc.

Bowling for Columbine (Amount of deaths by Guns)

The Negotiated readership to this documentary would most likely agree with what Michael Moore has said about how the media had a great impact on the deaths and the Columbine shooting. However, they would most likely give other reasons why and not think that the media was the only reason. Michael Moore's documentary wasn't targeted towards the negotiated audience, however he does explore multiple options to both sides of the story. On the other hand, the oppositional audience would most likely be someone who is for the gun laws and believes that it was video games and the music that causes all these shootings and deaths. The oppositional audience would completely disagree with what Michael Moore has broadcasted in his documentary.

Michael Moore includes a theory of Mean World Syndrome throughout his documentary, Mean World Syndrome is a theory that the media portray the world in such a violent and horrible way that people believe that the world is worse than it actually is. Moore includes this theory into his argument about the media when he speaks with Marilyn Manson about how the media tried to blame the Columbine shooting on him because of his violent music. Marilyn speaks about how the media used his music and video games as a escape goat. Even though the President was sending troops out and advertising war with other countries. Marilyn proceeds to say "the media always talk about Floods, Aids, Murder etc. and then cut to a commercial and they say by the Colgate. If you have bad breath there not going to talk to you". From the interview with Marilyn he talks about the Mean World Syndrome and how the media scare the public into thinking the world is an unsafe place.

Bowling for Columbine (Interview with Marilyn Manson)

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